Category: Other

Event Planning and Promotion: Leveraging Your Art Class Booking Software

Planning and promoting events can be great opportunities for marketing successful art classes. Whether it’s an open house, an exhibition, or a workshop, these events can significantly enhance your school’s reputation, attract new students, and engage the creative spirits in the community. Utilising your art class booking software can streamline these processes, making them more … Continued

What’s the best lesson to start with when taking up the game of golf?

If you’re just starting out taking up the challenging game of golf there is an enormous amount of skills and knowledge that needs to be learnt (just to be OK at the game. The vast world of techniques, equipment, and terminology can be a bit overwhelming. Most instructors will advise beginning with foundational elements to … Continued

Driving Lessons: Booking by Phone or Online – Which is Best?

When it comes to booking a driving lesson, both phone and online methods have their strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a look at the two methods from both the student’s and the driving school owner’s standpoint: Phone Bookings from the Student’s Viewpoint: Advantages of Phone Bookings for Students: Human Touch: A direct chat with a representative … Continued

Golf Lesson Scheduling Solutions for Golf Professionals and Clubs

Whether you are a solo golf coach, manage a small school, academy or golf club, the  Australian developed and Owned, bookitLive has Golf Lesson Booking Software that handles your bookings and helps your business grow. Allowing you to spend more time to inspire your students to reach their fullest potential and improve their game. TRY … Continued

The Perfect Car for Learning to Drive!

A few months ago we published an article on the cost of getting your licence in Australia which includes the option of paying $40,000 for a single Driving Lesson! Well, today we get a little more serious….Today we will focus on what vehicle is best to learn to drive in. Rather than focus on the … Continued

Hands up if you can afford $40,000 for a Driving Lesson!

Did you know the most expensive driving lesson known in Australia was offered in 2016 by a Sydney-based luxury car dealership Trivett Bespoke. The lesson was conducted in a $2.5 million Bugatti Veyron supercar, and the cost of the lesson was a whopping $40,000. This was a one-off experience, designed to give customers an exclusive … Continued

Helping learner drivers with booking lessons.

Learning to drive is an essential skill that can be intimidating for many individuals. With the help of driving schools, learners can get the guidance, driving experience and support they need to become confident drivers. However, managing the logistics of driving lessons can be time-consuming and frustrating for both learners and professional driving instructors. This … Continued

Why Every Driving School Needs to Use Booking Software to Remain Competitive

Starting a successful driving school can be both a profitable and rewarding business venture. To make sure your driving school is successful, it’s essential to have an effective business plan, an excellent team of instructors, and the necessary tools to ensure you provide premium service. Driving schools provide essential training for individuals learning to drive, … Continued

Integrating an online golf lesson booking system

Implementing and integrating an online golf lesson booking system into a business can be a complex process, but it is essential to ensure the system is running smoothly and providing the desired results. When it comes to implementation and integration, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. First, it’s important to consider … Continued

COVID-19 lockdown rollercoaster continues

The COVID-19 lockdown rollercoaster continues It is an intense time. The future feels unknown and it is OK to feel uncertain.  That is a normal reaction. We all need to remain calm when we are surrounded by confusion. Panic does not serve us, our communities, or our businesses well. Your bookitLive online booking web application … Continued

Are you a BIG business that needs a custom online booking solution?

See what we have to offer you and your customers.

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