Booking Software BUILD or BUY

Should you build your own booking software or buy off the shelf? The first step in the process is to conduct a complete and honest assessment of business needs, internal team and hardware  infrastructure. Validation While a business might have already decided to adopt booking software, the first step in the process is to validate … Continued

Upload files using Dropbox integration

Dropbox integration is used to add storage to your bookitLive account so files can be uploaded against a client record. When Dropbox is connected to your bookitLive account a Files tab is added for each client record. With bookitLive‘s Dropbox integration, you can: Upload files and store against a client record from a Desktop, Laptop, … Continued

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Avoid the mistakes of online booking software implementation

Have you ever heard the saying “If you build it, they will come,”  Unfortunately for online booking software this is not true. Too many businesses successfully implement a booking software solution, but adoption falls flat. To ensure success with your booking software implementation, we have outlined the best practices for online booking software adoption including … Continued

bookitLive Wikipedia

bookitLive (software as a service) bookitLive is a online booking & payment software operated by bookitLive International, headquartered in Melbourne, Victoria, that offers booking management software. bookitLive allows users to search a service providers availability and make a booking online. The service is accessible through a web browser from an internet connected device. bookitLive was … Continued

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