Features - Promotions

Promote your Brand with Targeted Online Campaigns

Extend your advertising and elevate your marketing mix by developing end-to-end campaigns that target your key audience. Using bookitLive's intuitive booking backend, you can filter your customers data to build winning campaigns that bring customer back on board.

Send SMS and email marketing messages to your existing clients about new services or package deals, tell them about current price promotions or remind them of what they're missing out on.

Tablet showing online booking system dashboard

Send relevant messages to the customer who want to hear

bookitLive lets you filter your customers so you can send the right message to them at the right time. There’s no use crafting a marketing campaign message that will go unheard: ensure you’re spending time on smart and relevant promotions that convert again and again:

  • Notify parents for new vaccinations for their kids
  • Promote special on specific activities for your Trampoline Centre
  • Provide offers to people who have not attended your Fitness Classes before
  • Send loyality rewards yo your frequent customers

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Whether you’re looking for one-to-one communication or a blanket broadcast to broad client groups, BookitLive’s segmentation helps you achieve your business aims.

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Add on range of other features

Use the booking software to add on as many features as you like to help you achieve your business goals. Choose the specific ones that meet your business needs and design a user experience that’s brilliant from the start.

Choose from:

  • Secure payments right from when the customer books
  • Mobile responsive
  • Automated tailored appointment confirmations and reminders
  • and many more extra booking features
Setting up payment configuration on the booking system dashboard

Are you a BIG business that needs a custom online booking solution?

See what we have to offer you and your customers.

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