Business - Flight Simulator

Flight Simulator
Booking Software

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It's all blue sky with bookitlive

Running a flight simulator business, your time is valuable. With bookitLive online appointment booking software, you can get back to the controls.

Checking online booking system dashboard from a iWatch

Even better than the real thing

bookitLive acts as your virtual receptionist, allowing clients to book simulation packages online. You can easily make, change and track your bookings, advertise online and much more.

Virtually eliminate no-shows

With bookitLive, you can opt to have an automated SMS reminder sent to the client the day before an appointment. You’ll quickly notice the decrease in costly no-shows and tardy pilots.

Simulation stimulation

With bookitLive, your flight simulation business will be advertised using Yahoo! and Google. Another great way to gain new bookings is to offer a major discount for a first flight or simulation package. Embed a booking button in your online ads as well as your own website, and customers can easily click through to the discounted deal.

A 747 Flight Simulator Operator allows customers to book and take Pre-Payments from their website. Payment are processed via Securepay and payment received into their bank account. As the Flight Simulator only has capacity for 3 people at a time the operator only allows a maximum of group booking of 3.

simulating the online booking experience

Specialised Features perfect for this business

Booking Buttons

Add buttons to your website for customers to book and make purchases.

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Custom Notification Templates

Customise your email templates to deliver beautiful emails using the fonts, colours, and images that showcase you brand.

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Mini Website

Generate more leads and convert them into bookings and sales with an on-brand landing page for your business.

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Mobile Responsive

Attract and convert Mobile-first Customers.

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Online Payments

Take on-the-spot payments from your customers and clients right as they're making bookings.

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Extend your advertising and elevate your marketing mix by developing end-to-end campaigns that target your key audience.

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Are you a BIG business that needs a custom online booking solution?

See what we have to offer you and your customers.

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