Features - Voucher Codes and Coupon Codes

Grow your business and reward core customers

Target your core customer base with relevant price promotions, package deals and discount coupon codes. Reward customer loyalty and continue the conversation to easily drive repeat sales - and do it without lifting a finger.

bookitLive makes it simple to sell promotions and packages with automated generation of voucher codes and built in redemption processes. Marketing discounts with coupon codes attracts new customers and measures the success of your marketing campaigns.

Example of sending an SMS from the booking software dashboard

Target repeat customers with hard-to-avoid deals

Simplify your marketing and speak to the customers who have already converted. Develop long-term relationships with your most loyal customers by providing them with powerful incentives to return again and again (and again).

bookitLive’s comprehensive software makes it easy to filter your audience base and provide them with relevant and timely deals and promotions for products they’ve purchased before. Introduce them to new ones. and make your brand front-of-mind every single time.

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Configuring a coupon code from the bookitliLive booking software dashboard

Pair your coupon codes with your marketing

Further develop your customer relationships with a range of other features that add on to the booking process. Choose as many or few extra features as you like to enhance the marketing and communication process.

  • Send custom emails and SMS
  • Deliver on-time appointment reminders
  • Inform customers of relevant news by email or SMS

Build a robust (yet fluid) way of converting more interesting browsers into paying clients.

Are you a BIG business that needs a custom online booking solution?

See what we have to offer you and your customers.

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