Features - Class and Course Booking Software

Class booking software that drives your business growth

Get class bookings and payments 24/7
Let students view your real-time availability, book their classes and make payments anytime, anywhere, on any device with our online class booking software.

No more double bookings or costly no-shows with bookitLive’s class booking software. Check your class schedule, anywhere, anytime.
Get notified whenever a class is booked, changed or cancelled.

Online software for booking from a mobile device

Enjoy the freedom that comes with a flexible booking system

Accept single bookings into a class or allow multiple friends or colleagues to book the same timeslot together, and experience the flexibility that comes with software system that can comfortably expand to suit your business needs.

  • Accept online payment at time of booking
  • Send reminders to one all class participants at once
  • Deliver marketing messages to the whole class at a touch of a button

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A range of add on features that works for your business

Choose from a wide range of features and add-ons that suit your specific needs. From flexible and nimble booking schedules to the ability to filter your client lists and send marketing messages, the bookitLive software offers it all.

Custom email templates for booking notifications

Are you a BIG business that needs a custom online booking solution?

See what we have to offer you and your customers.

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